WYD Seoul 2027
History of WYD
200 Million Rosary Movement
Theme Song Contest
Total 6
Seoul Sets the Stage for World Youth Day 2027 with Grand Ceremony Celebrating Youth, Culture, and Hope
“Camp at the Cathedral” Connects Hundreds of Young People and Bishops in Insightful Dialogue
Seoul Bishops: WYD is an Opportunity to Revitalize the Church and Inspire Hope for a New Generation
WYD Seoul 2027 LOC Blesses New Workplace, Fostering Youth Engagement and Collaboration
The Seoul Archdiocese will host the next World Youth Day in 2027, Archbishop Peter CHUNG said “WYD Seoul will serve for the common good of the mankind unity in Christ”
Young pilgrims from the Seoul Archdiocese prepare for the World Youth Day Lisbon 2023